Hiking Trail Conditions Report
Peaks Wachusett Mountain, MA
Trails: Old Indian Trail, Semuhenna Trail, West Side Trail, Old Indian Trail, Harrington Trail, Summit Road, Mid State Trail
Date of Hike
Date of Hike: Sunday, March 14, 2021
Parking/Access Road Notes
Parking/Access Road Notes: Found plenty of room at Bolton Pond trailhead. On exit, nearly lost control of car on descending curve of Bolton Pond Rd, due to new ice on road. 
Surface Conditions
Surface Conditions: Ice - Black, Snow - Trace/Minimal Depth, Wet Trail, Standing/Running Water on Trail, Mud - Minor/Avoidable, Snow - Wet/Sticky 
Recommended Equipment
Recommended Equipment: Light Traction 
Water Crossing Notes
Water Crossing Notes:  
Trail Maintenance Notes
Trail Maintenance Notes:  
Dog-Related Notes
Dog-Related Notes:  
Lost and Found
Lost and Found:  
Comments: Bolton pond to Mid State (Old Indian, Semuhenna, West Side, Old Indian) to summit; down via Harrington to Up Summit Rd to Semuhenna to Mid State

Barely any snow cover at trailhead, easy bare-booting to Bolton Pond (no need for traction and snow was wet and would ball up on spikes). After that, though snow cover remained very shallow, trail was mostly ice flows with some wet spots. New falling snow didn't help traction, just hid the worst ice. Bare booting was possible with care, but light traction strongly recommended.

On the steep section at about 580m, I'd have worn crampons if I'd brought them (even though the trail was rocky and the section in question was brief). Microspikes weren't really sufficient for the slope, but trees and other vegetation provided a route upward. Decided to avoid this trail section on the descent. South-facing Harrington trail was a breeze down to the road; road was alternately icy and bare.

Steady snow and moderate winds throughout the afternoon ascent; glorious sunshine just as I reached the summit. Brief but powerful snow squall during descent - total whiteout for a minute or two, glad I wasn't on the tricky part of the trail when it hit!  
Name: nartreb 
Date Submitted
Date Submitted: 2021-03-15 
Link: https:// 
Disclaimer: Reports are not verified - conditions may vary. Use at own risk. Always be prepared when hiking. Observe all signs. Trail conditions reports are not substitutes for weather reports or common sense.

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