Hiking Trail Conditions Report
Peaks West Royce Mountain, NH
Trails: Burnt Mill Brook Trail, Royce Trail, Basin Rim Trail, Black Angel Trail, Wild River Trail
Date of Hike
Date of Hike: Monday, May 10, 2021
Parking/Access Road Notes
Parking/Access Road Notes: ME 113 and Wild River roads are OPEN!!!! Wahoooooo! ME 113 is paved but gated in winter. Opening/closing dates vary. Wild River Rd is an excellent gravel road passable by any vehicle. You can’t get to this road unless ME 113 is open. Wild River rd was recently graded. Parked on dirt surfaced trailhead lot for Burnt Mill. Can hold many cars. 
Surface Conditions
Surface Conditions: Dry Trail, Wet Trail, Standing/Running Water on Trail, Mud - Minor/Avoidable 
Recommended Equipment
Recommended Equipment:  
Water Crossing Notes
Water Crossing Notes: All crossings are small brooks or streams that present no issues. 
Trail Maintenance Notes
Trail Maintenance Notes: Burnt Mill: 8 major blow downs on the trail; Royce trail is great; Basin Rim: multiple new blow downs on trail; Black Angel: two huge pines on the trail, the rest can be left to Mother Nature; Wild River: huge wash out section still left from Irene. It now has two blow downs on it the washout section. Other blow downs are a mix of trail blocking and simple step overs. 
Dog-Related Notes
Dog-Related Notes: The quick breakdown is that Royce and Basin Rim trails are dry. The remaining trails have multiple water points. 
Bugs: The black flies were swarming on Wild River trail. Otherwise no issues. 
Lost and Found
Lost and Found: CamelBak water bottle on Wild River trail. Packed out and left at Wild River campground kiosk. 
Comments: Route:
Burnt Mill Brook Trail > Royce Trail > Basin Rim Trail > Black Angel Trail > Wild River Trail > Road walk (RW) on Wild River Rd.

All trails are snow free save a few VERY SMALL patches of stubborn snow. Leave traction and snowshoes at home.

Burnt Mill: so few yellow blazes that I classify this as un-blazed. Footpath easy to discern. Negotiating blow downs will slow you down. Lovely cascades.

Royce Trail: this segment between junctions is very well blazed in updated yellow blazes. Footpath clear. Super nice trail.

Basin Rim: blazed in yellow, though with less frequency than Royce. So on this route I came off Royce using Basin Rim to get to atheaaa a“Rim Junction.” After being spoiled by Royce’s blazing I had to pay more attention to the trail than on Basin Rim. But, I have to say, the installation of new pine green carpeting on the trail looks posh. It’s even in my favorite color, Pine Green! So funny to be walking on this “carpet” after only walking on snow the last several months!

Black Angel: no blazing as this trail is in the Wild River Wilderness. The footpath is easily seen and simple to follow. This segment of the Black Angel is not as pretty as its western segment. But it is a nice trail with many water refill points. The junction sign just past Blue Brook campsite needs work. Someone has duct taped the portion of sign that provides directions to the Wild River trail. Good fix for now but not good for those looking to grab the Wild River trail for their egress.

Wild River Trail: not blazed. Easy grades. Irene’s wrath washed out some sections of trail. You will have to pay attention to this otherwise seemingly “easy” trail in the damaged segments,

This adventure was to trace some untraveled trails. I managed to get an peak in the process! Cool!  
Name: Remington34 
Date Submitted
Date Submitted: 2021-05-10 
Link: https:// 
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