Hiking Trail Conditions Report |
 | Peaks |
Thirteen Falls (attempt) , NH |
 | Trails: |
Lincoln Woods Trail, Franconia Brook Trail |
 | Date of Hike: |
Friday, August 12, 2022 |
 | Parking/Access Road Notes: |
Parking at Lincoln Woods trailhead is *tight* if you get there late -- you'll have to park alongside the roadway once it's full. Don't ask how I know this. |
 | Surface Conditions: |
Dry Trail, Mud - Minor/Avoidable |
 | Recommended Equipment: |
 | Water Crossing Notes: |
Nothing of significance. Note that the bridge on Lincoln Woods trail is still "out", but a very simple crossing over some large stones is easily accomplished. |
 | Trail Maintenance Notes: |
Trails were in great shape, with only a few easily managed blow-downs encountered. |
 | Dog-Related Notes: |
 | Bugs: |
Yes, but not terrible. |
 | Lost and Found: |
 | Comments: |
Be very careful around Owl's Head.
There is a bear that's creating problems around Thirteen Falls tentsite.
Per a USFS ranger that I met on the trail, a bear has made a name for itself, deciding Thirteen Falls is the place to be. A couple days ago, the bear went from making itself merely an obvious presence, to having managed to completely savage one of the two bear boxes at the tentsite. For its troubles, it was rewarded with some tasty human food that had been dutifully stored inside. (Apparently, the bottom of the box was rusty and old, and was fairly easy work for the intrepid bruin.) Later on my outing, I met a hiker on her return from Thirteen Falls. She'd been sitting at the tentsite this afternoon eating lunch, and the bear approached her. It was easily shooed away, but then it came back about half an hour later, and this time, appeared a fair bit more comfortable around the human making loud noises. The bear's comfort caused that hiker's discomfort, to no surprise. She did show me photos of the bear box, and yep, that bear made quite the job of it whilst gaining access to the goodies stored within. You can't say they're not goal oriented and highly motivated.
That was the end of my outing. It would have been one thing had I met a random bear by chance, but walking toward a bear that appears to have become habituated to humans and their food? Not so much, thanks. At least I had a nice afternoon tramping around in the woods, and on the way out, had lovely conversation with that hiker to pass the miles.
Write-up on my blog will be forthcoming, but I wanted to get this out there sooner rather than later. |
 | Name: |
Protean Wanderer |
 | E-Mail: |
hiker@proteanwanderer.com |
 | Date Submitted: |
2022-08-12 |
 | Link: |
https://www.proteanwanderer.com |
Disclaimer: Reports are not verified - conditions may vary. Use at own risk. Always be prepared when hiking. Observe all signs. Trail conditions reports are not substitutes for weather reports or common sense. |