Hiking Trail Conditions Report
Peaks Mt. Field, Mt. Willey, NH
Trails: Avalon Trail, A-Z Trail, Willey Range Trail
Date of Hike
Date of Hike: Sunday, March 3, 2024
Parking/Access Road Notes
Parking/Access Road Notes: Beware the mud pit next to the Highland Center! 
Surface Conditions
Surface Conditions: Snow - Packed Powder/Loose Granular, Standing/Running Water on Trail, Snow/Ice - Frozen Granular, Mud - Minor/Avoidable, Snow - Wet/Sticky, Snow - Spring Snow, Snow/Ice - Postholes, Slush 
Recommended Equipment
Recommended Equipment: Snowshoes, Light Traction 
Water Crossing Notes
Water Crossing Notes: Water crossings were mostly bridged in the am, but all but the largest one was entirely melted by the afternoon. Water levels are low enough to ford in snowshoes  
Trail Maintenance Notes
Trail Maintenance Notes: Major blowdowns: 1 before the Avalon Junction, 2 along A-Z, 2 between Field and Willey  
Dog-Related Notes
Dog-Related Notes: 2 gorgeous Siberian huskies enjoying the day, and one well-behaved bird dog  
Bugs: None  
Lost and Found
Lost and Found: 2 water bottles and a pair of gloves at the trailhead  
Comments: Conditions were MUCH better than expected! A relatively solid track if you stayed true to center, post holes only on the sides of the trail. Most folks microspiked start to finish, which created problems in the spots with full sun. I opted for snowshoes door to door, which made the water crossings easier. The two steep sections descending from Field to Willey are trash, postholed to death, but we tried smoothing them out a bit on our ascent. The last .8 of the Avalon Trail had entered mashed potato stage, with a side of “hidden treasures ????”, so be aware. But otherwise, the Avalon, A-Z, Willey Trail have a few more hikes left in them!  
Name: islandgirl 
Date Submitted
Date Submitted: 2024-03-03 
Link: https:// 
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