Hiking Trail Conditions Report
Peaks Mt. Cabot, The Bulge, The Horn, NH
Trails: York Pond Trail, Bunnell Notch Trail, Kilkenny Ridge Trail, Horn Spur, Unknown Pond Trail
Date of Hike
Date of Hike: Friday, July 12, 2024
Parking/Access Road Notes
Parking/Access Road Notes: Only one other car at Unknown Pond trailhead at 7:15. A dozen or so were scattered between Unknown Pond and York Pond at 3:15. 
Surface Conditions
Surface Conditions: Wet Trail, Wet/Slippery Rock, Standing/Running Water on Trail, Mud - Minor/Avoidable, Mud - Significant 
Recommended Equipment
Recommended Equipment:  
Water Crossing Notes
Water Crossing Notes: It must’ve been a heck of a storm on Wed/Thurs, because Friday was like hiking up/down/through rivers, streams, waterfalls, bogs, mud flats, etc. There was just no way around it. If you weren’t okay being wet today, it wasn’t the day for you. 
Trail Maintenance Notes
Trail Maintenance Notes: Numerous trees down on Bunnell, lower Kilkenny, and Unknown Pond. I don’t think they were blowdowns, probably more like deadfall from all of the running water. Most looked pretty recent. 
Dog-Related Notes
Dog-Related Notes:  
Bugs: Swarming at the lower elevations, but bug spray mostly kept them from biting. They really got persistent on the lower swampy half of Unknown Pond through. 
Lost and Found
Lost and Found: Found a tan/sand colored Columbia (size small) boonie hat at the trail junction for Cabot Cabin and the outhouse. I brought it down and hung it at the Unknown Pond trailhead kiosk. 
Comments: Well, this was definitely a wet day. Waterproof high-top boots were a great choice, although SCUBA gear might’ve helped more. Cloudy, warm, and very humid all day. I think I was soaked head to toe almost from start to finish. It was a good, fun, challenging day to hike the Cabot loop though. Pleasantly surprised to see the fish hatchery open early, so I parked at Unknown Pond trailhead and started on York Pond Trail by 7:15. Bunnell Notch was tricky but scenic. The brook/stream had swelled to levels that overtook the trail in many places, and had flowed over/through the trail overnight in many others. It was definitely tricky finding and staying on trail for sections throughout the day because of all the water. The junction with Kilkenny Ridge was underwater and had a nice flow going down it for about 50 yards or so. Water continued to flow down the Kilkenny Ridge Trail for much of the ascent but it was much more moderate. Fog and clouds were present all day, so the viewpoint below Cabot Cabin was more of just a resting place, but at least there was a cooling breeze. The cabin was socked in also, but made for a good lunch break location to get away from the bugs and out of the drizzle. Topped Cabot, then made my way down and over The Bulge, then over to The Horn. It’s on the 52 With a View list, but unfortunately that wasn’t the case today. Just more clouds and fog, but there was the nice cool breeze again for a water break. Made my way down to Unknown Pond which, like everything else today, was socked in. Just as I put my pack back on and turned to leave though, a stiff wind blew through and cleared out the entire pond! Very picturesque! I got a great view of the whole pond for a couple of minutes before the fog/clouds rolled back in and it was gone again. I took that as a sign to head out so I made my way to the Kilkenny Ridge/Unknown Pond trail junction which was under about a foot of water, then made a break for the trailhead down the stream-covered trail, through the mud bogs, and finally to the parking lot where the sun FINALLY peeked out!! It just figures, doesn’t it? Overall a fun and challenging hike. I had been relentlessly checking weather reports leading up to this day, so I pretty much knew what I was getting into and was well prepared. I just would’ve liked to have experienced some better views - especially from The Horn! Maybe next time…  
Name: Dad Out There 
Date Submitted
Date Submitted: 2024-07-13 
Link: https:// 
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