Hiking Trail Conditions Report
Peaks Mt. Madison, NH
Trails: Valley Way, Inlook, Kelton Patah, The Brookside, Watson Path, Osgood Trail, Airline Cutoff, Airline, Upper Bruin, Lower Bruin, Scar Trail, bushwhack, Brookside
Date of Hike
Date of Hike: Monday, September 2, 2024
Parking/Access Road Notes
Parking/Access Road Notes:  
Surface Conditions
Surface Conditions: Wet Trail, Wet/Slippery Rock 
Recommended Equipment
Recommended Equipment:  
Water Crossing Notes
Water Crossing Notes: Hops 
Trail Maintenance Notes
Trail Maintenance Notes: One 10 inch diameter birch across the trail at 3700 on Valley Way. Path has formed around it. 
Dog-Related Notes
Dog-Related Notes:  
Bugs: None 
Lost and Found
Lost and Found:  
Comments: NOAA said mostly sunny. MWO said in and out of clouds with slight chance of showers mid afternoon. MWO was closer! We expected big crowds so we took the trails less traveled as much as possible, but not many hikers were out. Sunny, cool and windy to start at 0730, but clouds got thicker through the morning. Very recent brushing on Watson was appreciated. Hat, gloves and fleece went on 500 feet below the summit as the wind really picked up and raised the degree of difficulty for the scramble up top and then down to the hut. Adams was socked in, Madison in and out. While we warmed up with tea and a hot bowl of soup there was a moderate shower with some sleet mixed in. Glad we weren't 15 minutes slower! That turned out to be the only rain we saw for the day. Headed down Airline after lunch. Winds were strong until dropping down on Upper Bruin, no problem thereafter. Lower section of Watson and Scar trails are very nice - easy on the feet! Quick bushwhack down to The Brookside from the Scar/Valley Way jct. was easy enough. On the way up we took the upper part of The Brookside from jct. with Kelton, which was scenic but with rough footing. After the whack, we used the lower part to descend and were expecting more of the same but were pleasantly surprised by just a lovely trail. So much nicer than VW. Got to love the RMC trails. We joined to help support the beautiful trail system - you should too! ($45, or $85 for family). Roadie pizza for the ride home from Mr. Pizza in Gorham was tasty.  
Name: Notch and Pumbaa 
Date Submitted
Date Submitted: 2024-09-03 
Link: https:// 
Disclaimer: Reports are not verified - conditions may vary. Use at own risk. Always be prepared when hiking. Observe all signs. Trail conditions reports are not substitutes for weather reports or common sense.

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