Hiking Trail Conditions Report
Peaks Sugarloaf (Glencliff), Hogsback, Jeffers Mountain, Blueberry Mountain, Owlshead (Glencliff), NH
Trails: Sugarloaf Trail, bushwhack, Blueberry Mountain Trail
Date of Hike
Date of Hike: Saturday, October 19, 2024
Parking/Access Road Notes
Parking/Access Road Notes: The start of the unofficial Sugarloaf Trail (a private drive/beginning of a logging road that the trail partially follows) at its junction with Page Road is posted--we bushwhacked around the private lot and back to the logging road. There was parking at the junction of Page Rd & Blueberry Mtn Road (the latter is washed out at the junction). On the other side, Long Pond Road is open as far as Long Pond.  
Surface Conditions
Surface Conditions: Dry Trail 
Recommended Equipment
Recommended Equipment:  
Water Crossing Notes
Water Crossing Notes:  
Trail Maintenance Notes
Trail Maintenance Notes: The unofficial Sugarloaf Trail is in great shape, with yellow blazes, flagging, and a rope and ladder at the cliff. The junction of the trail at the logging road is easy to walk by.  
Dog-Related Notes
Dog-Related Notes:  
Bugs: Lots of what I call "tick flies" out today--weird, compact little flies that do not bite but like to cling to skin and hair and feel like ticks. It's an autumn phenomenon.  
Lost and Found
Lost and Found: Anyone lose a Mylar balloon?  
Comments: Random Group of Hikers, party of 8. We parked at Page Rd, bushwhacked around a small posted private lot, thence to a logging road (first part of the Sugarloaf Trail) and onto the footpath that leads to the summit ledges of Sugarloaf. From there we bushed over Hogback & Jeffers, visiting many ledges, & down to Blueberry summit. The bushwhack was fairly mild, semi-open woods & game/ herd path traces in places, with some blowdowns to deal with. We descended Blueberry Mtn Trail south/east & bushwhacked the rest of the way down the ridge (occasional ledges & scrub) to Owlshead cliff. We returned to Blueberry Mtn Trail via a rocky drainage then a rough, overgrown skid trail (difficult going) and a somewhat overgrown logging road.  
Name: Barefoot Paul 
Date Submitted
Date Submitted: 2024-10-19 
Link: https:// 
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